Archbishops' Records
VX IA/10/223/1-4
PEMELL (PENNELL) (Jane), of St. Saviour, Southwark, Surrey
Vicar General
Three local letters testimonial for Jane, wife of John Pemel of St. Saviour, Southwark, 30 June 1685, signed by 1) Thomas Barker of same parish, surgeon, certifying that she was 'fitly qualified to practice the artes of physicke & chyrurgery'; 2) William Breton certifying that: 'I have known Mr. and Mrs Pennell for 12 or 14 years, but never hard any ill of them, but have lived quietly and fairely amongst their neighbours'; 3) William Hoare, minister, and churchwardens of St. Saviour, Southwark noting that she was 'in all things conformable to the Church of England haveing lived fouerteene yeares in the said parish, paying all the dutyes of the parish'; 14 page booklet of evidence of cures of 'scrophulus humours commonly called the Kings Evill & noli-me-tangere', with numerous patients in the city of London, Shoreditch, Southwark, Wapping, and Whitechapel, and some from St. Bart's Hospital and Christ's Hospital. Notable among these were Sir James Langhame 'who was perfectly cured & also Sir Gilbert Lort grandchild to the Earl of Clare', and Captain Hastings son 'with a leaden plug in his backe, which was put by chyrurgions to let the corruption run out for a long continuance, I plukt it out & serringed it with a watter that went through his body & by God's blessing cured it'. Also included is a note by Jane Pemell that 'her first husband was a Dr. of Phisicke and a man midwife; her second husband, Mr. Henry Tyrrell, a chyrurgion, a freeman of London, & his father was chyrurgion of Christ Church Hospitall'; that she had practised above twenty years, '& have bine very successfull in cures haveing nothing else to mayntayne my family, haveing lost all & fyred out of the citty, & my husband being taken in the Dutch wares had lost all hee had goten in seven yeares & both ancient, I weare willing to put myselfe foreward to doe good, and to get an honest mayntenace'
30 June 1685