Archibald Campbell Tait, Archb
Bossuet; Jacques Bénigne (1627
Charles Manners-Sutton, Archbi
Charles Thomas Longley, Archbi
Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop
Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of
Edmund of Abingdon, Archbishop
Edward White Benson, Archbisho
Frederick Cornwallis, Archbish
Frederick Temple, Archbishop o
George Abbot, Archbishop of Ca
George Carey, Archbishop of Ca
Gibson; Edmund (1669-1748); Bi
Gilbert Sheldon, Archbishop of
Henry Chichele, Archbishop of
Hubert Walter, Archbishop of C
John Bird Sumner, Archbishop o
John Kemp, Archbishop of Cante
John Moore, Archbishop of Cant
John Morton, Archbishop of Can
John Peckham, Archbishop of Ca
John Potter, Archbishop of Can
John Stafford, Archbishop of C
John Tillotson, Archbishop of
John Whitgift, Archbishop of C
John Williams, Archbishop of Y
Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of
Matthew Parker, Archbishop of
Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of
Randall Thomas Davidson, Archb
Reginald Pole, Archbishop of C
Richard Bancroft, Archbishop o
Richard Sterne, Archbishop of
Robert Runcie, Archbishop of C
Simon Islip, Archbishop of Can
Simon Sudbury, Archbishop of C
Theobald of Bec, Archbishop of
Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of
Thomas Becket, Archbishop of C
Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop o
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of
Thomas Herring, Archbishop of
Thomas Secker, Archbishop of C
Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of
William Courtenay, Archbishop
William Howley, Archbishop of
William Juxon, Archbishop of C
William Laud, Archbishop of Ca
William Sancroft, Archbishop o
William Temple, Archbishop of
William Thomson, Archbishop of
William Wake, Archbishop of Ca
William Warham, Archbishop of
William Whittlesey, Archbishop
William of Corbeil, Archbishop